Director, Human Rights, BSR
Managing Director, Human Rights, BSR
Associate Director, Human Rights, BSR
The second round of BSR’s Human Rights Working Group (HRWG) meetings for 2019 was held between July and September in St. Louis, Tokyo, and Stockholm. Established in 2012, HRWG is a collaborative initiative designed to help companies implement the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), bringing together approximately 40 companies from across sectors. In addition to providing operational-level guidance and best practices in the business and human rights field, HRWG has established a global network of business and human rights professionals. The summer meetings covered a mix of substantive and methodological topics, including:
- Human rights methodologies, continued from the Spring round of meetings
- Human rights and supply chains
- Responsible use of technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Legal trends
- Human rights governance
BSR member companies interested in joining the Human Rights Working Group should connect with us to learn more.
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