
Welcome to Insights+, a new series that will provide in-depth analysis of emerging global economic and social issues that are fundamental to your sustainable business strategy. We’ll answer questions on critical topics that will help guide your leadership to mitigate risks while creating strategic advantage.

Business Transformation | Sustainability Leadership | Sustainability Management

Sustainability Goal Setting: A New Chapter

While business leaders are understandably nervous about being too aspirational or public about sustainability goals, there is still value in communicating a quantifiable, long-term vision to steer the company and its wider value chain players. BSR shares guidance on how leaders can set ambitious yet achievable sustainability goals for 2025 and beyond.

Emerging Issues | Human Rights | Technology

From Commitments to Action: A Business Guide to Address Forced Labor Across Value Chains

With an increasing shift from voluntary to mandatory human rights due diligence, leaders are questioning the implications for their business: What are the risks associated with forced labor in supply chains, which sectors are most affected by forced labor risks, and how can businesses engage with suppliers to mitigate these risks?

Climate Change | Financial Services | Governance | Human Rights | Sustainability Management

Sustainable Business in Context: US Politics and Global Impacts

The US elections will have profound implications for the global economy, and sustainable business. The question facing us now is: how can sustainable business leaders continue to make important progress in this new environment?

Business Transformation | Climate Change | Emerging Issues | Equity, Inclusion, and Justice | Financial Services | Governance | Healthcare | Human Rights | Nature | Technology

Navigating US Election Uncertainty: A Call to Action for Sustainable Business

In the United States, electoral uncertainty, threats to democracy, and the potential for instability and chaos are notably apparent as the country faces an enormously consequential election this fall. What are the risks for sustainable business, and what proactive steps can business leaders take to mitigate them?

Sustainability Reporting | Human Rights | Sustainable Futures Lab | Climate Change | Sustainability Management | Supply Chain | CSDDD

The CSDDD: Compliance Meets Sustainability Ambitions

Learn about the implications of the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) and what this means for business leaders going forward.

Human Rights | Technology | Climate Change

A Business Guide to Responsible and Sustainable AI

Insights+ provides insights and foresight that empower sustainability leaders to be strategic C-Suite advisors by identifying and analyzing emerging and cross-cutting sustainability issues, as well as supporting their efforts to achieve tangible progress toward a more just and sustainable world.

In the sixth edition of Insights+, the Human Rights, Climate, and Technology teams set out the latest developments in upcoming regulations, discuss the implications for how AI is utilized in business across industries, and spotlight key emerging issues.

Climate Change | Nature

COP28: Tackling Fossil Fuels, and a Final Push to Keep 1.5 Alive

Insights+ provides insights and foresight that empower sustainability leaders to be strategic C-Suite advisors by identifying and analyzing emerging and cross-cutting sustainability issues, as well as supporting their efforts to achieve tangible progress toward a more just and sustainable world.

In the fifth edition of Insights+, the Climate Change team dives into the biggest topics at COP28: fossil fuel phase-out and the just transition, accountability for business commitments, the role of nature in achieving climate goals, and climate justice. Explore key recommendations for business leaders on how they can take action on these topics and what might be around the corner.

Sustainability Reporting | Human Rights | ESG | Financial Services | Business Transformation

The Evolving Reporting Landscape

Insights+ provides insights and foresight that empower the CSO to be a strategic C-Suite advisor by crystallizing emerging and cross-cutting sustainability issues, enabling companies to elevate their strategic ambition and achieve tangible progress toward a more just and sustainable world.

In this fourth edition of the Insights+, the Future of Reporting team highlights the latest developments in sustainability reporting, explores the implications of these developments across specific business functions, and hints at what might be around the corner.

Sustainability Reporting | Sustainability Management

How New Regulations Are a Game-Changer in Just and Sustainable Business

Insights+ provides insights and foresight that empower the CSO to be a strategic C-Suite advisor by crystallizing emerging and cross-cutting sustainability issues, enabling companies to elevate their strategic ambition and achieve tangible progress toward a more just and sustainable world.

In the third edition, President and CEO Aron Cramer and Vice President, Human Rights Dunstan Allison-Hope dive into upcoming regulatory requirements concerning just and sustainable business and discuss how companies can stay focused on actions that will be considered credible, not merely compliant.


Back to Nature: A Call to Action

BSR’s Nature team dives into the Science-Based Targets for Nature and discusses how business can take immediate action if it is to keep pace with the market and mitigate nature-related risks before they become acute.  


Amidst ESG Backlash, Companies Should (and Are) Staying the Course on Sustainability

Welcome to the first edition of Insights+, a new series that will provide in-depth analysis of emerging global economic and social issues that are fundamental to your sustainable business strategy. In each issue, we’ll answer questions on critical topics that will help guide your leadership to mitigate risks while creating strategic advantage.

We welcome your feedback. If you have follow-up questions on any of the topics covered, or would like to suggest issues for us to explore in upcoming editions, please feel free to contact us.