Equity, Inclusion, and Justice hero image

Equity, Inclusion, and Justice

Driving social justice at an individual and systematic level

At BSR, we define Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (EIJ) as

  • Equity: Equity is a lens that enables businesses to 1) acknowledge the needs of the most marginalized and 2) to assess how they, as a system, have created and institutionalized barriers that prohibit those needs from being met.
  • Inclusion: Inclusion is building relationships with those who do not regularly participate in decision-making processes and providing an opportunity to safely share their needs and work with institutions to create and foster better practices and behaviors to meet those needs. To move toward redress and progress, companies must establish relationships with diverse stakeholders that create pathways for active inclusion.
  • Justice: Environments where equity and inclusion are present foster the ability to envision how to create access to opportunity and resources for everyone within an ecosystem and drive true transformation.

Business is one of many actors critical for the creation of a world in which everyone—regardless of identity or background—has the opportunity for equal participation in all aspects of life, has fair access to resources, and can be confident that systems are operating in ways that improve the quality of life for all, and not a select few....

BSR’s approach to equity, inclusion and justice does not focus solely on diversity as an end in itself. Instead, we believe we must prioritize the needs and voices of those who have been and continue to be subject to marginalization and exclusion, using an “equity-first” approach in which companies work alongside stakeholders from all sectors and the community to address deep disparities and systemic challenges and create a socially just world for all.  

Business can do this by:

  • Leveraging its power to create opportunities 
  • Increasing access to services and resources
  • Ensuring fair participation
  • Protecting the rights of marginalized and/or excluded populations within their business ecosystems. 

Companies stand to benefit tremendously from strategic approaches to EIJ across all parts of the business, from innovative product and service development to supplier diversity, from inclusive talent practices to using their company voice to advance social justice.

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80 percent of US employees say inclusion is important when choosing an employer, and 39 percent say they would leave their current organization for a more inclusive one.


Companies identified as more diverse and inclusive are 35 percent more likely to outperform their competitors.


In a recent Morning Consult survey, 42 percent of employed adults in the United States agree that their company’s response to social issues has an impact on their decision to stay at the organization.

How We Can Help

Adding Value to Your Business and Society

BSR helps companies to build a more equitable world through socially just business practices. Using an equity-first approach, specific to the unique needs of each industry, BSR will work with you to implement and drive equitable processes and outcomes, increase access to opportunity, and expand participation across the business ecosystem. Our offerings include:


Long-term strategic roadmaps to advance change throughout the value chain


Detailed assessments focused on equity and inclusion in global and regional contexts


Focused strategies for specific issues including women’s empowerment, LGBTIQ+ rights, economic inclusion, and access, among other critical equity priorities.


Bringing business together with peers and other stakeholders to work collaboratively to address high-impact issues, explore existing and new practices, move ideas into actions, and to scale and replicate what works.

Who We Work With

United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) logo
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. L.P. logo

Sustainability Insights

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility thumbnail image
Sustainability FAQs

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility

This FAQ sets out the BSR perspective on diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) in the workplace. We believe that business is one of many actors critical for the creation of a world in which everyone—regardless of identity or background—has the opportunity for equal participation in all aspects of life, has fair access to resources, and can be confident that systems are operating in ways that improve the quality of life for all, and not a select few.

Tools and Resources

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Resource Guides

Our sample collection of BSR member resources, including implementation toolkits, deep-dive topic briefings and reports, and other valuable content from our global team of sustainability experts.

Inclusive Leadership
Reproductive Health and LGBTIQ+ Care: Scenarios Exercise
LGBTIQ+ Community
Structural and Systemic Change
See all Tools and Resources

BSR Members Only


Collective Solutions for Meaningful Impact

Our collaborative initiatives enable companies to transform their businesses while creating shared solutions to global challenges and make a meaningful systemic impact.

Our Experts

Depth of Experience and Knowledge

Our Equity, Inclusion, and Justice team consists of global experts across multiple industries, bringing a depth of experience in developing sustainable business strategies and solutions.

Felicity Butler portrait

Felicity Butler

Manager, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice


Laura Dugardin portrait

Laura Dugardin

Associate, Equity, Inclusion and Justice


Mona Feneberg portrait

Mona Feneberg

Associate, Human Rights


Jarrid Green portrait

Jarrid Green

Director, Equity, Inclusion and Justice

Washington, D.C.

Kurell Julien | Q portrait

Kurell Julien | Q

Associate Director, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice

New York

Ashley Lin portrait

Ashley Lin

Manager, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice

New York

Welela Makonnen portrait

Welela Makonnen

Manager, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice

San Francisco

Jen Stark portrait

Jen Stark

Co-Director, Center for Business and Social Justice

Washington, D.C.

Alisha Thompson portrait

Alisha Thompson

Manager, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice

New York

Let’s talk about how BSR can help you to transform your business and achieve your sustainability goals.

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