
Business in Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Contexts thumnail image
Human Rights

Business in Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Contexts

Complex interplay of social, political, environmental, and economic factors fosters an environment where violence, oppression, poverty, human rights abuses, and state failure are more likely to occur. Businesses that integrate human rights management into strategic decision-making and day-to-day operations will be more resilient to today’s global challenges while addressing some of the social, economic, and environmental drivers of conflict.

Within Reach: How Digital Wages That Work for Women Can Support Bangladesh’s Economic Future thumnail image
Women’s Empowerment

Within Reach: How Digital Wages That Work for Women Can Support Bangladesh’s Economic Future

This report details HERproject's progress towards wage digitization, three plausible alternative futures to what wage digitization may look like in 10 years, and recommendations for action to strengthening digital payment systems that empowers workers.

Climate Change: Building Resilience While Protecting Human Rights thumnail image
Human Rights | Climate Change

Climate Change: Building Resilience While Protecting Human Rights

This report explores the intersection between climate and human rights and makes recommendations on taking first steps to create long-term, resilient business strategies that address human rights impacts related to physical climate impacts as well as the transition to a low carbon economy.

BSR Submission to EU Social Taxonomy Process thumnail image
Human Rights | Financial Services | Sustainability Management

BSR Submission to EU Social Taxonomy Process

BSR's submitted feedback to the EU Social Taxonomy Process, an effort initiated under a mandate from the European Commission Platform on Sustainable Finance to ensure that vital social aspects of sustainability are integrated into the EU’s Taxonomy Regulation.

Access to Remedy thumnail image
Human Rights

Access to Remedy

After 10 years of implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), companies are increasingly expected to address the harms they have caused or contributed to through their business relationships. This brief explains what effective remedy is, the role of business, and five recommendations for companies to improve access.

Addressing Forced Labor and other Modern Slavery Risks: A Toolkit for Corporate Suppliers thumnail image
Supply Chain | Human Rights | Collaboration

Addressing Forced Labor and other Modern Slavery Risks: A Toolkit for Corporate Suppliers

The Global Business Coalition against Human Trafficking (GBCAT) has released a new toolkit that aims to help businesses that work in corporate supply chains to quickly identify areas of the business which carry the highest risk of modern slavery and develop a plan to identify, prevent, and address risks.

Lessons Learned from a Market-Based Approach to Inclusive Employment thumnail image
Equity, Inclusion, and Justice

Lessons Learned from a Market-Based Approach to Inclusive Employment

This report captures lessons learned from BSR’s launch, implementation, and sunset of the Global Impact Sourcing Coalition.

Human Rights Impact Assessment: Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism thumnail image
Technology | Human Rights

Human Rights Impact Assessment: Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism

The Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) commissioned BSR to conduct a human rights assessment of its strategy, governance, and activities.

Responsible Product Use in the SaaS Sector thumnail image
Technology | Human Rights

Responsible Product Use in the SaaS Sector

According to many ethical and human rights frameworks, software-as-a-service (SaaS) companies have a responsibility to address adverse impacts that may be associated with their business relationships and use of their products and services.

Human Rights Due Diligence of Products and Services thumnail image
Human Rights

Human Rights Due Diligence of Products and Services

We can see and feel the human rights impacts of products and services. This issue brief explains downstream human rights due diligence, why it’s important, coming advancements, and how to get started.

The Shared Opportunity to Promote: A Second-Decade Priority for the UNGPs thumnail image
Human Rights

The Shared Opportunity to Promote: A Second-Decade Priority for the UNGPs

The absence of action to promote human rights presents severe risks to their fulfillment. This paper draws upon BSR experience over the past decade to propose a framework for the shared promotion of human rights.

The Next Decade of Business and Human Rights thumnail image
Human Rights | Financial Services

The Next Decade of Business and Human Rights

Throughout 2021, to mark the 10th anniversary of the UNGPs, BSR is reflecting on what additional action business can take to shape a rights-respecting future.

Resilient Business Strategies: Decisive Action for a Transformed World thumnail image
Sustainability Management

Resilient Business Strategies: Decisive Action for a Transformed World

Resilient business strategies are an essential pathway to achieving a just world and an economy that delivers truly inclusive and sustainable prosperity.

Digital Technology and Data in the Garment Supply Chain during COVID-19 thumnail image
Women’s Empowerment | Supply Chain | Human Rights

Digital Technology and Data in the Garment Supply Chain during COVID-19

BSR examined the impacts of digital transformation on women garment workers in our new report, Digital Technology and Data in the Garment Supply Chain during COVID-19.

Seven Questions to Help Determine When a Company Should Remedy Human Rights Harm under the UNGPs thumnail image
Human Rights

Seven Questions to Help Determine When a Company Should Remedy Human Rights Harm under the UNGPs

How can companies determine whether they have caused, contributed, or are directly linked to an adverse impact through their business relationships? A new white paper explores seven questions to help companies determine their connection to negative impacts and how to reframe these questions to identify appropriate actions to prevent and mitigate potential adverse human rights impacts that may occur in the future.