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Sustainability FAQs | Tuesday April 18, 2023

Governance and Oversight of Just and Sustainable Business

This FAQ sets out BSR’s perspective on the governance and oversight of just and sustainable business at companies. We believe that engaged boards, empowered executive leadership, and clear roles and responsibilities throughout companies are essential for the creation of long-term value for investors and society.

Reports | Wednesday January 17, 2024

Co-creating Climate Justice Interventions between Business and Communities

Via a co-creation process in business activities related to climate action, companies can enable more effective climate solutions that address interconnected, systemic issues.

Blog | Thursday September 17, 2020

Ensuring Circular Fashion is Good for People—as well as the Environment

Even before the COVID-19 outbreak, circular economic models had been sprouting up at increasing speed in the fashion industry. BSR’s new brief, Taking a People-Centered Approach to a Circular Fashion Economy, explores the potential social impacts that may emerge from a mainstream shift to circular fashion.

Reports | Thursday September 17, 2020

Taking a People-Centered Approach to a Circular Fashion Economy

In partnership with Laudes Foundation, BSR has developed a brief on the potential social impacts of a shift to circular fashion based on BSR’s research and stakeholder engagement.

Reports | Thursday July 15, 2021

Human Rights Due Diligence of Products and Services

We can see and feel the human rights impacts of products and services. This issue brief explains downstream human rights due diligence, why it’s important, coming advancements, and how to get started.

Blog | Tuesday June 22, 2021

UNGPs' 10th Anniversary: The Next Decade of Business and Human Rights

To mark the 10th anniversary of the UNGPs, BSR is reflecting on what additional action business and other actors can take to shape a future where human rights are realized in law and in practice.

Blog | Thursday July 14, 2022

Delaying Climate Action: The Challenges of Moderating Climate Misinformation on Social Media

At a point when delays in climate action may lead to catastrophic and irreversible harm, companies must address climate misinformation urgently and decisively. Our new brief explores the specific challenges of moderating climate misinformation.

Blog | Thursday April 13, 2023

Why Every Business Needs to Think about Responsible AI

As more companies use AI in their products, services, and operations, it’s time for business to take a human rights-based approach to AI.

Blog | Thursday October 12, 2017

Q&A: The Future of Inclusive Economy

As part of our Q&A series with our experts on the past, present, and future of sustainable business, we sat down with our Inclusive Economy lead to discuss innovations, opportunities, and challenges in the field.

Blog | Friday July 1, 2022

President and CEO Aron Cramer Responds to West Virginia v. EPA

In response to the US Supreme Court ruling West Virginia v. EPA, BSR’s President and CEO Aron Cramer issues a statement on the dangers of the decision, its implications for the future, and why ambitious climate action is urgently needed.