Co-creating Climate Justice Interventions between Business and Communities hero image

Co-creating Climate Justice Interventions between Business and Communities

Photo by Aleksandra Novikova on iStock

January 17, 2024
  • Lizzie Russler

    Former Associate, Climate Change, BSR

  • Anine Bundgård portrait

    Anine Bundgård

    Manager, Climate Change, BSR

  • Melissa Do portrait

    Melissa Do

    Manager, Climate Change, BSR

  • Eileen Gallagher portrait

    Eileen Gallagher

    Director, Climate Change, BSR

While businesses are starting to consider the ways in which climate change and climate solutions disproportionately affect people and communities, there are few examples of how the private sector is working with affected stakeholders and little guidance on how to co-create climate justice interventions with affected communities. Co-creation, in the context of climate justice, centers affected communities in identifying challenges and developing solutions to address systemic injustices and advance equitable social, environmental, and climate outcomes.  

The issue brief shows business practitioners how to implement climate justice interventions by using a process of co-creation with affected stakeholders. By incorporating a co-creation process in business activities related to climate action, businesses can enable more effective and efficient climate solutions that holistically address interconnected, systemic issues. ​​This issue brief builds a foundational understanding of co-creation with communities in the context of climate justice, specifically what it is, why it is important, and how companies can integrate co-creation into their approach to address climate change. Insights and discussions fostered during BSR-facilitated workshops and collaborative initiatives informed this report. BSR acknowledges 7-Eleven International for their generous support to create this issue brief.


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