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Primers | Tuesday November 14, 2017

10 Human Rights Priorities for the Extractives Sector

The extractives sector comprises a wide range of businesses and activities, each with its own human rights profile and challenges. In this primer, BSR shares universal human rights risks and opportunities for companies operating in this sector.

Blog | Tuesday March 28, 2017

BSR's Statement on the U.S. Administration Executive Order on Climate Change

The executive order to dismantle the U.S. Clean Power Plan puts significant progress toward a clean economy at risk, but two factors will ensure that this low-carbon transition is inevitable.

Primers | Monday August 21, 2017

10 Human Rights Priorities for the Power and Utilities Sector

Learn about the most relevant, urgent, and probable human rights impacts for the power and utilities sector, as well as opportunities that companies can take to make positive impact.

Blog | Friday January 19, 2024

Seven Actions for Business in 2024 Post-Roe America

A year after the fall of Roe v. Wade, learn more about how businesses are naviagting an increasingly tumultuous national landscape and advice for moving forward.

Primers | Thursday August 18, 2022

10 Human Rights Priorities for the Luxury Sector

The luxury sector comprises a wide range of businesses and activities. While each has its own human rights profile and challenges, BSR shares universal human rights risks and opportunities for companies operating in this sector.

Primers | Tuesday August 23, 2022

Human Rights Priorities for the Beauty and Personal Care Sector

Explore the most relevant, urgent, and probable human rights impacts for businesses operating in the beauty and personal care sector.

Primers | Tuesday August 23, 2022

10 Human Rights Priorities for the Food, Beverage, and Agriculture Sector

By understanding human rights risks and impacts across the food, beverage, and agriculture supply chain, companies can better mitigate potential negative effects and advance human rights for all.