
The Sustainability Leader Checklist for 2024 thumnail image
Business Transformation | Climate Change | Nature

The Sustainability Leader Checklist for 2024

BSR offers advice for Chief Sustainability Officers taking a concentric circles approach to the myriad of tensions and complexities in 2024.

A Human Rights Assessment of the Generative AI Value Chain  thumnail image
Human Rights | Technology

A Human Rights Assessment of the Generative AI Value Chain

In the coming months, BSR will be conducting a sector-wide human rights assessment (HRA) of GenAI to identify human rights risks across the value chain, from upstream data workers to model developers and end-users, and make recommendations on how to address these risks.

BSR and NACD: Activating Directors to Meet Boardroom Challenges  thumnail image
Boards | Governance | Sustainability Management

BSR and NACD: Activating Directors to Meet Boardroom Challenges

BSR and the NACD are proud to launch Oversight of Corporate Sustainability: A Board Primer.

Ten Guiding Principles for Co-creating Climate Justice Interventions thumnail image
Climate Change | Equity, Inclusion, and Justice

Ten Guiding Principles for Co-creating Climate Justice Interventions

Learn about the 10 principles that can guide businesses in co-creating climate justice interventions with affected communities.

Leveling the Global Playing Field: A Binding Treaty on Business and Human Rights  thumnail image
Human Rights | Emerging Issues

Leveling the Global Playing Field: A Binding Treaty on Business and Human Rights

A wave of mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence rules sweep across Europe. Learn more about how business can prepare for a globally binding treaty on business and human rights.

Seven Actions for Business in 2024 Post-Roe America thumnail image
Equity, Inclusion, and Justice | Healthcare

Seven Actions for Business in 2024 Post-Roe America

A year after the fall of Roe v. Wade, learn more about how businesses are naviagting an increasingly tumultuous national landscape and advice for moving forward.

CEO Outlook: Seven Pivotal Questions Shaping Sustainable Business in 2024 thumnail image
Business Transformation | Climate Change | Equity, Inclusion, and Justice | Technology | Governance | Sustainability Management

CEO Outlook: Seven Pivotal Questions Shaping Sustainable Business in 2024

BSR President and CEO Aron Cramer poses seven questions for business that will define the scale of progress in the year ahead.

Three Business Initiatives That Advance Climate Justice  thumnail image
Climate Change | Equity, Inclusion, and Justice | Healthcare

Three Business Initiatives That Advance Climate Justice

Climate justice acknowledges that climate change has disproportionate impacts on communities and exacerbates underlying existing systemic inequities. The following are noteworthy climate justice interventions by businesses.

COP28 Marks Important Steps Forward: Now the Real Work Begins thumnail image
Climate Change | Nature | Energy and Extractives

COP28 Marks Important Steps Forward: Now the Real Work Begins

COP28 ended with an agreement by all nations to transition away from fossil fuels in energy systems. While this is an important step forward, is it enough? 

How Businesses Can Address the Water Scarcity Crisis thumnail image

How Businesses Can Address the Water Scarcity Crisis

BSR’s Anna Iles talks to Tim Smedley, author of The Last Drop: Solving the World’s Water Crisis, about policies and practices to address water scarcity and the risks impacting current water management systems.

Tech Against Trafficking Summit: Leveraging Technology to Eradicate Forced Labor thumnail image
Human Rights | Collaboration | Technology

Tech Against Trafficking Summit: Leveraging Technology to Eradicate Forced Labor

Meta and BSR hosted the second Tech Against Trafficking (TAT) Summit. Bringing together over 140 global anti-trafficking leaders, the summit focused specifically on the nexus between technology, forced labor and labor trafficking.

Beyond Compliance: Eight Considerations for Your Materiality Assessment thumnail image
Sustainability Management | Sustainability Reporting | Business Transformation

Beyond Compliance: Eight Considerations for Your Materiality Assessment

With the emergence of mandatory disclosure regulations, learn more about considerations practitioners should have before conducting a materiality assessment.

A Human Rights Impact Assessment of the Tech Coalition’s Lantern Program thumnail image
Human Rights | Technology

A Human Rights Impact Assessment of the Tech Coalition’s Lantern Program

The Tech Coalition commissioned BSR to undertake a human rights impact assessment of The Lantern Program to identify potential risks of the new endeavor.

How Will Chinese Companies Shape the Global EV Market? thumnail image
Energy and Extractives | Emerging Issues | Transport and Logistics

How Will Chinese Companies Shape the Global EV Market?

A global shift to reduce carbon emissions has led to an expansion in China’s role in the global electric vehicle and battery markets. What implications does this have for decarbonization and grid stability in emerging markets? 

Inside BSR: Q&A with Cherry Lin thumnail image
Inside BSR

Inside BSR: Q&A with Cherry Lin

Inside BSR is our series featuring BSR team members from around the world. Meet Cherry Lin, a Manager based out of our Guangzhou office.