Date and Time
May 7, 2015
8:30 am-12:30 pm
Dallas, TX
BSR’s Future of Fuels invites you to a working session on the science and next-generation practice of measuring the sustainability impacts of transportation fuel. BSR will facilitate a discussion focused on four key areas for business decision-makers:
- How to compare, summarize, and synthesize disparate sustainability issues (such as environmental, social, and economic impacts)
- How to make sense of impacts in areas where science is unresolved or uncertain
- How to effectively measure impacts when data for specific fuel supplies are unavailable due to poor documentation or lacking chains of custody
- How to understand the effect of actions and investments that companies can take in the context of the system as a whole
We will consider the whole set of fuels for transportation, including petroleum, natural gas, biofuels, electrification, and hydrogen, and results will inform the sustainability Fuel Tool being developed by Future of Fuels.
This forum is an official partner event of ACT Expo, North America’s largest clean fleet event, representing all alternative fuels and weight classes. ACT Expo will take place May 4-7 at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas, Texas. Join BSR to network with more than 3,500 stakeholders; see hundreds of leading vehicle, fueling and technology suppliers in the Expo Hall; experience real-world alternative-fuel vehicle projects at offsite tours; test drive the latest AFVs in the Ride & Drive event, and learn from peers in fleet-focused educational sessions.
To attend the Future of Fuels event, please visit the ACT Expo registration page. You can choose to register for the full conference or for the Future of Fuels event only, which will require registering for an Expo Hall Only pass.
As a partner of ACT Expo, BSR is offering participants a $50 discount on conference registration. Please use the code BSR50 in the discount code box provided on the final page of online registration.
When you register, check the “Future of Fuels” partner event box.
There is no additional charge to attend the Future of Fuels event with an ACT Expo full conference registration. If you choose to attend only the Future of Fuels event, the fee will be US$75. Simply select Expo Hall Only registration, and use the BSR code to waive the additional US$50 expo hall fee.