
Three Reasons Why Collaboration Is Key to Green Freight thumnail image
Climate Change | Collaboration | Supply Chain

Three Reasons Why Collaboration Is Key to Green Freight

Through the Clean Cargo Working Group, which now represents 85 percent of ocean container shipping volume, we have seen the value to companies in addressing challenges collaboratively.

Calling All Sustainability Reporting Practitioners thumnail image
Sustainability Management

Calling All Sustainability Reporting Practitioners

We're launching a new collaborative initiative to provide a space for practitioners to share learnings, insights, and perspectives and address important questions about the future of sustainability reporting.

Turning Global Challenges into Collaborative Solutions: BSR’s Collaborative Initiatives thumnail image
Inside Bsr

Turning Global Challenges into Collaborative Solutions: BSR’s Collaborative Initiatives

This year, we're strengthening BSR’s capacity to convene business and stakeholders on collaborative initiatives that generate concrete positive outcomes for business, societies, and the environment.

Redefining Business Leadership in a New Environment thumnail image
Sustainability Management

Redefining Business Leadership in a New Environment

As we witness a systematic assault on the foundations for a just and sustainable world, a new question is arising: How do companies and CEOs respond when basic principles are under attack?

Corporate Transparency under a Trump Administration thumnail image
Sustainability Management

Corporate Transparency under a Trump Administration

Three main implications for the future of corporate transparency point to the increasing importance of proactive and strategic approaches.

When the Business Case and Shared Value Aren’t Enough thumnail image
Sustainability Management

When the Business Case and Shared Value Aren’t Enough

Yes, businesses have to earn profits and provide a return to their investors, but has the focus on a business case for everything undermined what it means to be a good corporate citizen?

Four Stakeholder Engagement Trends to Watch in 2017 thumnail image
Sustainability Management

Four Stakeholder Engagement Trends to Watch in 2017

There are clear drivers in today's operating environment for multinationals to rethink their approaches to risk, resilience, and corporate responsibility. Here are four stakeholder trends to pay attention to this year.

Advancing Women’s Empowerment, at Work and Home, through the Technology Sector thumnail image
Technology | Women’s Empowerment

Advancing Women’s Empowerment, at Work and Home, through the Technology Sector

By strengthening transparency in reporting and offering innovative products and services for all, ICT companies can help advance women as skilled professionals and empowered individuals.

Forging the Missing Link: What the 2017 CDP Supply Chain Report Says About Supplier Engagement thumnail image
Climate Change | Supply Chain

Forging the Missing Link: What the 2017 CDP Supply Chain Report Says About Supplier Engagement

Although in many ways encouraging, our findings in this year's report highlighted the need for urgency.

How Good Is Your Sustainable Supply Chain Program? thumnail image
Supply Chain

How Good Is Your Sustainable Supply Chain Program?

Sustainable supply chain management means operating in uncertainty, without clear guidance on universal standards on what constitutes best practice. A BSR tool can help companies benchmark their responsible sourcing programs and assess how to improve.

A Letter to the Trump Administration: Federal Climate Policy Can Boost the Economy thumnail image
Climate Change

A Letter to the Trump Administration: Federal Climate Policy Can Boost the Economy

As Trump prepares to move into the Oval Office, we urge his administration to consider the view of business and the resounding support from citizens and governments and pursue a clear federal climate policy.

Driving Collective Action on Women’s Empowerment thumnail image
Women’s Empowerment

Driving Collective Action on Women’s Empowerment

In partnership with Win-Win Strategies and supported by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we ask you to join us as we launch Business Action for Women, a collaborative initiative for companies aimed at driving collective action on progress for women.

Responsive and Responsible Leadership: A Look Ahead at Davos thumnail image
Climate Change | Equity, Inclusion, And Justice | Human Rights | Women’s Empowerment

Responsive and Responsible Leadership: A Look Ahead at Davos

Responsible leadership, now more than ever, demands that all of us—as citizens, workers, politicians, and business executives—defend essential values and principles.

Sustainable Business Leadership in 2017: Game On thumnail image
Climate Change | Equity, Inclusion, And Justice | Human Rights

Sustainable Business Leadership in 2017: Game On

Looking ahead to a new year with new conditions, here is our suggested playbook for how business can lead in this new environment.

Five Ways the Financial Services Industry Can Approach the Sustainable Development Goals thumnail image
Financial Services

Five Ways the Financial Services Industry Can Approach the Sustainable Development Goals

There are many opportunities for financial services companies to fund the SDGs, and they should look at how to integrate the goals into these five areas.