You are invited to attend a FREE webcast presented by the Education and Research Foundation of the Better Business Bureau® of Metropolitan New York, and Your Better Business Bureau BBB® Forum on Corporate Responsibility XVII. Join BSR Director, Consumer Sectors Berkley Rothmeier for a Trends Panel from 1:30 - 2:28 pm EDT for a discussion with corporate leaders about sustainability and corporate responsibility trends touching on this year's program theme.
Other sessions and panels will explore the latest challenges in business responsibility and sustainability, including:
- Change factors and their impact on businesses and communities;
- Business responsibility trends: how issues are evolving
- Adapting and innovating to build resilience and sustainability
Register now and join us on September 25, 2024.
This webinar is hosted by the Education and Research Foundation of The Better Business Bureau of Metropolitan New York and Your Better Business Bureau.
Scheduled Speakers
- Berkley Rothmeier, Director, Consumer Sectors, BSR
Berkley Rothmeier
Director, Consumer Sectors, BSR
San Francisco
Berkley leads BSR’s work with consumer products companies to align business and sustainability strategy and improve social and environmental performance. She also works across sectors to support BSR’s efforts to catalyze private-sector action on climate change and build value chain resilience.
With over a decade in the sustainable business field, Berkley has broad experience in reporting and disclosure, stakeholder engagement, issues management, and sustainability storytelling. Prior to BSR, she was part of Edelman’s Business + Social Purpose team and the Ceres water program. She has counseled companies in a variety of sectors and geographies, and she has collaborated with investors and NGOs to increase understanding of and action on sustainability topics.
Berkley holds a Master of Environmental Science from the Yale School of the Environment and a BA in Environment Studies from Yale University.